Im a bird learning to fly. Im hurting. I keep singing. Im sensitive. And I never felt so desperate. Im coming back home. I was teached to survive. In the most different situations. I hurted people. In a survival mode you are teached to be selfish. You change everyday, in order to keep alive. Almost as part of nature. Im chaotic. Not in a bad way. Im just learning to be the best version of myself. Its a daily process of dying and beeing born again. Im scared of beeing alone. Im scared to not have a home, to not have anyone. I keep smiling just as everything is fine. In another culture that somehow is mine. In another language that someone took from me. Im hurting so much. I dont know how to build a structure of solid things. I had to forget so much to be where I am. To fight silently. To break barriers. To fly the Atlantic. Everyday was a new person inside of my head. Everyday was a feeling of dying in the streets. Of falling. Of failing. People think im sweet. But Im strong. I keep surviving. Day after day. Trying to believe everyday that im strong. I repeat it to myself. I embrace my loss of hearing. Now im doubting in my music. Im not sure about love. Im not sure about love. I feel dependent. I miss my dad. I miss a home. I miss someone giving me a home that I can trust. I was kicked out so much. I was violented so much. I had to sign things. I had to say things in court when I was only a child. People still think Im sweet.
Esse é um baú que vai ser preenchido durante o ano de 2017, que serve como um álbum de fotos e um diário de momentos. Como somos do tamanho dos nossos sonhos, esse aqui é um canto de poesia que preencho para no futuro poder revive-los.
domingo, 27 de novembro de 2022
quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2022
Corpo que grita
Eu limpo a casa de dentro
Pra ficar feliz
limpo a casa de fora numa resposta diretriz
A tempestade vem
A tempestade vem
A tempestade vem
Eu tenho coisas no corpo que me causam dor
as coisas de dentro do corpo passam pra voz
que passam pra ti
Quando eu me olho dentro do espelho
vejo todas as de dentro
me convidando, me encontrando, me surpreendendo
porque lutei
fui mais forte que a dor
fui mais sabia que a fe da tua mare
quarta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2022
you knew since the beginning
how this would end up beeing
he showed of, his phone and who he was working with
and me,
I am on stage fearless.
Thats how you wanted to be
I saw you, I saw you
we kissed like crashing melodies
you looked like a nerd guy
and im standing by
in your comfort zone
You tasted my thirsty lips
you started using me
for something I wasn't pretend to be
terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2022
segunda-feira, 17 de outubro de 2022
poem 1
All you had, guess what, you are going to loose
But thats the best part
You are going to loose people telling how the third minor in the show was good
I received a menssage about how Italy is going,
the connection with prince musicians
are you famous?
just stop okay?
men are made for Holliday
its time for you to stop
dont ask for my photos
you won't get them.
I bring my own fish home
Na balanca da vida eu estou desbalanceada
sábado, 1 de outubro de 2022
The energy you emanated is still shaking my cells
It is still shaping my smile
The way I speak to people, the way I vibrate
it all comes from you
You are my queen
And in our Kingdom we would only be allowed to be happy
You taught me how to share even if we dont have much
You taught me that love comes first
Even if there is so much going on
When I left
i didnt said goodbye
I have no words to say how much I love you
and how much you will be everyday with me
Its going to be hard to come home and not to have you around
sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2022
All you had, guess what, you are going to loose
But thats the best part
You are going to loose people telling how the third minor in the show was good
Fuck that
music is not about that
I received a menssage about how Italy is going,
the connection with prince musicians
FUCK that
are you famous?
man, you are not even producing music for people in label
just stop okay?
men are made for Holliday
its time for you to stop
dont ask for my photos
you won't get them.
I bring my own fish home
quinta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2022
To start I just want to say that I do am proud of what we had. About how we meet during the pandemic and how beautiful our first dates were. about when u asked me if things were going too fast in a bar in ostkreuz, or going to your place to spend the weekends and sing together. I always had so much fun and you presented me so much from berlin and from life. Even though we were inside of a pandemic. You are the cutest and more cared creature in the world. And you are a perfect lover. I love how you can take care of me, and I always felt so much loved. I love exploring the woods with you on the winter, and feeling the 0 degrees for the first time. I love how easily you say yes to adventures, and just go with the flow with my ideas. I was so afraid of the cold here. You brought me to all cool stuff, tango, gigs, dinners, and great people. You are a connector. And you are really a beautiful soul. Really. Im really afraid of you to get hurt, and I dont like this idea. I love going to the woods with you, exploring the parks in the winter, and I will always remember about you as someone who makes me laugh, openly and wildly. I do have my own shit to take care, I do feel that time is running and I dont know what to do in my life, I do compare myself a lot, and I do have to organize my life. You showing me my photographer side was also nice (even though I have my questions again). But I grew a lot in the time we were together, and so many things happened. Painting your studio, helping you, eating kumpir, the studio sessions. I really missed having properly dates with you. Like sliding, and discovering things for the first time with you is always a joy. Like the states. I also loved going to the mountains with you and traveling together to a cold place at sächsischer schweiz. Anyway.
sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2022
quinta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2022
you are my queen
The origin of all the power
in the woman
in my family
you taught me about everything
the strongest energy Ive ever felt
You are Recife and Carnaval
You are all the protection against the bad energy
with the saints and your altars
You are my queen
the most beautiful I ever seen
But its going to be hard to come back home
and to just have
quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2022
Essa eh a Linda de 2022. Eu sei que eu ja to tao diferente, mas ao mesmo tao a mesma. Eu reclamo muito dos meus relacionamentos, mas eu sei que isso eh a falta de uma base, de uma familia e de buscas de coisas que sao so suas, próprias. Eh engraçado que o momento que ele percebeu o quao nova tu eh, foi no stuvo. E sinceramente, as pessoas de la foram as mais importantes no meu caminho. Por isso eh tao importante focar em vc. Eu me pergunto se eu mostrasse a idade que eu tenho, se ele ainda ficaria comigo. Morar com meu pai nao parece algo tao legal. Enfim. A linda de agora esta tentando ser independente, e ja faz um tempo. Eu sei que eu fui pra Nova York met passado, e a minha vo se foi no mesmo momento. Eu sei que vai ser algo pesado pra mim. Eu sei que eu preciso voltar pro brasil pra ter minhas bases de volta, e eu sei que isso vai ser difícil. Eh importante pra mim, ver a maravilha de coisas que eu tenho. Tudo parece ser tao casual no meio dele. 10 mil euros em microfones. ah, normal. E eu sei que vc morre de medo de ele ficar independente musicalmente e voar. Eh importante vc ser sincera consigo mesma. Por que? Por que o que te prende nele eh isso? Vc nao ta acreditando em si mesma. Sempre tava preocupada em perder as amizades dele se terminasse, e no fim mesmo nao terminando perdeu. Porque essas pessoas gostam dele, sao fas dele. Vc vai encontrar a sua galera. Eu estou tentando me cuidar. Voce eh forte. Tem ficado sozinha nesse mês de agosto, voce aguentou a perda da sua vo sozinha, enquanto ele dançava tango. Isso te deixa puta. Mas voce tem noção de como vc fez coisas sozinhas? Buscou ficar mais sozinha nesse mês, ta fazendo os seus videos.Ele nao tem noção, você perde a sua vo e ele dança tango. Mas talvez vc so esteja fazendo o mesmo que sua mãe, encontrando culpados o tempo todo. Voce esta pedindo por ajuda. Voce esta tentando. Eu juro que esta. Mas tem que focar em ser mais organizada, no que vai te dar o seu futuro, o que eh da sua idade, o que te ajuda com as suas experiencias, de 22 anos, encontrar pessoas, transar, ficar na sua. Vc nao tem que estar casada. Eu perdi a minha vo, e tu tava dançando tango. O quao sem noção eh isso? Eu perdi a minha vo. Eu perdi a minha vo. Voce vai encontrar sossego em si mesma. Eu nao gosto que ele me toque o tempo todo, eu nao gosto disso. Eu nao gosto que quando nos encontramos ele toca diretamente perto do meu peito. Eu nao gosto que ele fala que faz isso por gostar de mim. Numa outra historia a pessoa me falou que eu deveria olhar pra isso, de nao sentir prazer. Enquanto isso ele nem sabe do que eu sinto, do que eu luto.
Voce eh uma artista maravilhosa. e o melhor de tudo, eh que voce tem essa energia de tudo e todos sao validos. Sem a historia do que eh bom ou ruim, sem o julgamento. Isso eh incrível, pare de se julgar. alguém que te livre as preocupações do corpo, mas te traz a preocupação da voz nao eh alguém importante. Voce lutou demais para a sua voz. Isso ja te faz uma artista valida. pare de querer buscar pela validação, voce eh importante e incrível. Acredite.
Pare de se preocupar com o que ele vai fazer, ele fala o tempo todo de coisas incríveis, mas nao importa. mesmo que ele seja o Harry Styles. Nao importa.
quarta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2022
im so afraid im not a good musician
because that is everything I want to be
and u were so afraid that u would miss Sophie and Eric and friends
now u are not working for Eric
and Sophie dont awnser u
or not actively
nice! that is really great!
Dont start doing something with someone u dont trust
and if u feel alone
u have your family
that just shoes how fucked up everything is
but now u have new friends
from colombia
segunda-feira, 8 de agosto de 2022
lets start the era of good sex
of beeing able to see people and to kiss them
with no regret
lets start where u tell your dad your problems
where u get close to him
lets start the era of masturbating hard
and living your age
lets start the era of good sex please?
I really wanted that
so much
and I think trying it once
would make me free
you are not alone
u will always be
either winter or summer
Linda you are Linda
sexta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2022
how u feel when u show a music
and he says u are always doing it in the rythm
its not like that the song
and i freeze
I guess im not showing more music anymore :(
Ill just enjoy my own music company,
whatever that is
whatever that means.
im enough to enjoy music and to make music
i dont need anyone to just bring me down.
i want someone that feel inspired by me
quinta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2022
You are just trying to find yourself
you are 22
when u were 20 u thought you were old
u are starting your university
everything is going to be nice
working at nabavi was also great this week
buying instruments fender ukulele and your audio thing
organizing your room a lot
staying alone
kind of liking other people
be back to masturbate :):)
lots of conquests this week
love u linda
sábado, 30 de julho de 2022
See the signals
your grandma getting sick when u are in the states
your dad going alone to nyc
I really hope he enjoys from the bottom of my heart
if there is something I know is that I love him
and its hard for me to say that convinced
you see
but I really do love him
I just want him to live the best life he can live
because he really tried to give that to me
i hate when he listen something that's is "good" he grooves
showing his face
of this is good, and not bad
this is good
this has quality
i hate when he does it and I dont feel a thing
about the good part of the world
that reminds me a bit of sex
but his face showing how good that is
what am I honestly missing?
did I learn something about the good stuf in the world?
where is your album btw?
I ask you, in a violent way
and he wanders me in a cool down everything is coming
look how cool I am
should I go to the party or should I not?
i dont want to go for the party
im basically feeling alone
i didnt see many people today
I've been focusing on my stuff
you wanted to transfer the photos
how many photos and memories get lost in the meaning?
I try to think what other people would tell me to do
my aunt would tell me not to party, work hard while the others are partying
my boyfriend would maybe get sad, so why do you go to a party and not to the wedding?
my mom would say me to go, and enjoy life, without knowing what that means
my therapist
im not sure about his awnser and it kind of its important
I think he would tell me to go, and kiss everyone, enjoy my life
im not in the vibe for partying
im staying at home, trying to be organized
get out of the mess I created in my life
sexta-feira, 29 de julho de 2022
dont blame you
you are 22. you have your own future for yourself
every time u look in the mirror
make sure u will say how fucking hot you are
and inteligent
and that its your fucking choice to be single
and enjoy your body
and take care of yourself
in the end u are always going to take care of yourself alone
a escrita eh a sua meditacao
seu pai esta ficando velho
se pudesse conversar com a linda de dois anos atras, o que voce diria? para voce mesma?
vamos viajar juntos! Para qualquer lugar, para o norte
seu pai esta ficando velho
se pudesse falar qualquer coisa para a Linda que ja sabia que nao gostava dele
da Linda que se sentia mal apos o sexo, o que diria?
me falaram que eu deveria ficar solteira
me falaram que era uma opção
uma menina comentou comigo que ela tinha ficado solteira somente 5 meses na vida dela
e que ela queria viver isso
e eu? quanto tempo eu fiquei?
eu so preciso que me mostrem que isso eh uma opção
que voce nao esta sozinha
mas no final vc esta
voce eh tao sozinha quanto o seu pai eh.
voce sabe disso
e isso eh o que te acalenta
porque a escrita eh a sua meditacao
eh o seu porto
seu acesso aos seus sentimentos
a forma como voce pode ser sincera
criandoo arte
onde pode se deparar consigo mesma
onde te faz ser menos so
onde tu entende que a solidao nao eh tao desesperadora
então cultiva esse habito de escrever
porque a escrita vai te fazer andar menos sozinha
voce precisa dizer que te ama
quando se olha no espelho
porque ai vai começar a se amar
por muito tempo vc nao existiu
era um experimento trancado
agora voce existe
suas atitudes tem consequências
a mão do seu pai tremendo
voce sempre tem medo que vai estar perdendo algo incrível
voce nao esta
lembre de todos os momentos
o momento do tango que foi o mais extremo,
voce viveu sua solidao
nao foi incrível
qualquer coisa seria mais com o seu pai
mas pare de colocar culpa
aprender que voce nao eh uma vitima tbm eh importante
voce esta no caminho
no caminho da sua escrita
e da sua reaproximação com o seu pai
voce esta caminhando para se amar
e se conectar com o que tu acredita
quando tu tiver uma filha
vc vai querer mostrar a ela como ser independente eh possível
mostre a ela agora.
quarta-feira, 27 de julho de 2022
terça-feira, 26 de julho de 2022
you use sex to feel love
what are u afraid of?
beging alone?
u are creating your own friends
you are young
you know
On the flip side, you may completely shut down sexually. Being that open and vulnerable may feel too scary and, therefore, you unconsciously shut down your libido. You don't want to have to depend on another person to meet your sexual needs so you just don't have them.
you have problem setting your boundaries
he likes calling me sweetie
You have a really hard time saying "no" when you don't want to do something because you're so worried about upsetting your partner or them leaving because you made a boundary. This can put you in a bad position that can range from uncomfortable to downright dangerous.
You date people who are much older than you.
You're terrified of being alone.
You would rather be in a dysfunctional relationship than be single.
no one is really talking about daddy issues
"involves anger, it involves grieving ... It's a chance to feel sadness for your younger self, who didn't get what they needed."
my therapy
I think that writing is my therapy
well, almost died to record something in the studio
lets do something
I know we dont have time
but we can get an ukulele
we have the studio
lets do it?
nah, its too complicated
I almost beg for it
its sad actually
people that dont record or release their shit
and u end up stucked-
you came back home
you are going to start in the bimm university
you are excited
but you have to learn English
u said no to this weddings,
but you went to nyc
what did u learn from that?
you dont know
you want to learn the world
u have to do song covers
stop telling me what is good or what is not
your beautiful letters doesn't change anything
you came back
what does it change?
where are your friends?
stop beeing a victim
you stopped with instagram
stopped with eucalyptus
stopped with eating your nails
honestly if it was so hard to record something with him
why dont you do your own shit
you always did
get your camera together
go to record in a park
why does he have to show you what is good and what is not
let me decide
when are we going to actuals work together
is not going to happen
work, get your own money
you tell me your family is always pretending
the company is big
im going to stop complaining
maybe I should change
quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2022
minha mãe e energia
e todas as mulheres da minha familia são muito fortes
e voce também
sempre que voce se sentir sozinha voce tem a sua escrita
o jeito que voce imagina a si mesma
voce sempre esteve sozinha
carregando as suas decisões
todas as mulheres da minha familia foram e são fortes
voce tem a si mesma
no fim do dia quem vai te colocar pra dormir vai ser voce mesma
quem vai amparar seu choro vai ser voce mesma
voce tem medo que isso aconteça com seu pai
no fim do dia voce vai se amparar
tomar o seu banho
fazer a sua sopa
cuidar de voce mesma
pentear o seu cabelo
te dar boa noite para dormir
voce eh fucking forte
voce sempre escreveu isso quando estava tendo crise de pânico
pessoas te ajudaram
mas ninguém te ajudou mais do que o seu pai
in the end it is going to be just like that
you are going to end up alone
having to take care of all of your life
and you just didnt wanted to be alone
but u are going to put yourself to bed
and clean your bed
and put the lavender in your pillow
you just didnt wanted to be alone
on the time he had free he came
but he still wants to stay with his cousins
and dance tango
are u ready to dance some tango?
asked him after my grandma was in the hospital
it just for me doesn't makes sense
from the day I received a bad news about my grandma
I care about you
lets watch a comedy show
so you will feel better
im here okay?
but dont make me feel bad
but do you want to go on the boat trip?
this is the last day they are here
but im here for you
stop beeing the victim
she taught you how to be strong
and she is dying
but he is here for you
he is sorry for you
but watch a comedy show?
or go to a boat?
just call me if you need anything
you will always be alone, that's a radical acceptance you gotta have
oh, she is dying
its normal, old people dye
everything is normal
so fucking normal
in the end you are always alone
im a cup
with solid things on the button
you know
what the fuck is this feeling
why am I fucking here
in this place?
this just shows you how wrong eveything is
terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2022
everyone is pretending
all the time
beging kings of New York
doing something small
they chat
like they are the cool kids
but they are not happy
they need to say that you were out of tune
or out of the road
they say you are an amazing photographer
and in the end u freeze when u see a guitar
how many traumas has been created in this time
two years
isnt that way too much?
two years wasted
trying to bee older
and now you are
for how long?
what if in your lives u said more no?
only kids dont accept no
and he is one of them
you have yourself
u should know that
u had yourself on that hotel
and loneless will come
it will stir up
and then calm down in the surface
it will calm down
sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2022
what about bad sex?
you simply hate when he touches you
what do u feel?
you feel incomplete?
you wanna beat?
you say u will exchange photos for sessions?
and he stay silent
because he doesn't care
and he didnt play anything in 5 years
he says this is the best venue
but everyone that comes are just friends
and someone that plays with someone that is famous
and I know this
this is good this is not
go fuck yourself
where are you?
what are u doing?
you keep telling people how they are famous
how some are good
how this is the best place in New York City
And its not good
How you know everyone
is this melee?
oh, yea! My friend played with Lady Gaga
that's my friend
what the hell
I presented him to sting
how big are things in your life?
how important is the things you say that are important.