you use sex to feel love
what are u afraid of?
beging alone?
u are creating your own friends
you are young
you know
On the flip side, you may completely shut down sexually. Being that open and vulnerable may feel too scary and, therefore, you unconsciously shut down your libido. You don't want to have to depend on another person to meet your sexual needs so you just don't have them.
you have problem setting your boundaries
he likes calling me sweetie
You have a really hard time saying "no" when you don't want to do something because you're so worried about upsetting your partner or them leaving because you made a boundary. This can put you in a bad position that can range from uncomfortable to downright dangerous.
You date people who are much older than you.
You're terrified of being alone.
You would rather be in a dysfunctional relationship than be single.
no one is really talking about daddy issues
"involves anger, it involves grieving ... It's a chance to feel sadness for your younger self, who didn't get what they needed."
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