terça-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2024

ano novo

 Is this the way we say goodbye

I love music but sometimes feel invisible on it 

And I love marketing but I'm king of tired of putting myself out 

There are people being loud

And there are men I'm trying to coques

Because I don't want to feel alone

And I thought that coming to berlin would be fun

But people have no rhytmn here

And what am I actually learning here

Tô put boundaries 

Tô say goodbye

I don't want this anymore

Should I live? 

The music is bad

The music is bad

It does not groove 

Or am I chata 

Chata de galocha

I'm tired

I wanted tk be a jib musician

Did u actually? 

U don't know scalez

But men love u 

The same way they love a saussage

That's how we start our year

I'm borrd and I'm tired

And I want to go home

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