terça-feira, 5 de outubro de 2021

 you told me im making connections without any objectives.

well. fuck you. im discovering myself, in this therapy, this crazy way of being myself.

I like been mine. Going to the concert. alone. composing. doing my own ideas. so you can understand how life works-:)

But he told me im making connections without objectives.

and he is violent in his words. You are happy by yourself, u are discovering that. and organized as well. 

u are producing your songs. you are creating. making photos. doing what u need to do.

you are art. 

write your poem book. buy the poem book. connect with woman. 

woman have this potency.

u are more in the scene, u can make the scene happens.

you brought tal there, u went to the concert of gana, so fuck yes.

just do what u gotta do.

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